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Working Dutch Shepherd Association of America

Preserving and Promoting the Working Dutch Shepherd Dog in America


The Working Dutch Shepherd Association of America (WDSAA) is a breed organization developed to promote and preserve the Dutch Shepherd as intended by its native country of origin, The Netherlands. The WDSAA follows the guidelines and rules set by the FCI.


It is the mission of the WDSAA to preserve the proper working ability and soundness of character and structure of the Dutch Shepherd through the promotion of education, training, seminars, and working trials.


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2024 Member Titles

Are you a member that's earned a title or certificate in 2024? Please send us your information HERE.

2025 Titles? Please submit them HERE.

Sanne ELT2

Jody Bouma and Sanne Earning NACSW ELT-2

Daria CAA

Ashley Jacobson and Daria Morgendorffer "Daria" Earning CAA


Melissa LaMere-Dragovich and Whispering Echos Poor Life Choices "YOLO" Earning BH UKC: BN, UJJCH, SPOT-ON NADAC: TN-N, IAS, IAJ, IAG, IAC AKC: CGC, CGC-A, CGC-U

Medic DCAT

Ashley Jacobson and Shawshack First Do No Harm "Medic" Earning DCAT


Melissa LaMere-Dragovich and Whispering Echos Hellfire ASM "Eddy" Earning UKC: EN, UACH, SPOT-ON NADAC: IAC, IAJ, IAG ASCA: DTCHv

Ghost MLMD

Melissa LaMere-Dragovich and Whispering Echos Requesting a Flyby "Ghost" Earning: ASCA: LD-N, LC-N UKC: USJCH

Pronoun IGP1

Rebecca Mosenthal and Montferlands Pronoun "Pronoun" Earning IGP1

Caerus SWN

Chris Gremo and Wildflower DSK Swing "Caerus" Earning AKC Scent Work SWN Caerus earned his container and buried titles to earn his overall SWN title.

Eddy Trick

Melissa LaMere-Dragovich and Whispering Echos Hellfire ASM "Eddy" Earning AKC: TKN, TKI DMWYD: NTD, ITD, ATD, ETD

Daria CA

Ashley Jacobson and Daria Morgendorffer "Daria" Earning CA

Tango BH

Catherine Muffat and Tango des Crocs d'Eben "Tango" Earning IGP BH

Daria BCAT

Ashley Jacobson and Daria Morgendorffer "Daria" Earning BCAT

Medic IntCH

Ashley Jacobson and Shawshack First Do No Harm "Medic" Earning IABCA: International Champion (IntCH) 4x Best of Breed 5x V1 Ratings

Caerus BH

Chris Gremo and Wildflower DSK Swing "Caerus" Earning IGP BH

Rouge BT

Alishia Johnson and Brace For Impact Van Helios "Rouge" Earning AS-BT

Medic FastCAT

Ashley Jacobson and Shawshack First Do No Harm "Medic" Earning AKC BCAT

Fury IGP3

Jenny Thorp and Van Kracht's Absolut Fury Earning IGP3 Fury entered the UScA PNW Regional Championship hosted by Twin County Schutzhund Club in Tumwater WA for his first attempt at an IGP3. We had some struggles in all three phases, but he came through with passing scores to earn his first IGP3. Fury was High BHOT, and much to my surprise, the 2024 UScA PNW Regional Champion. Van Kracht's Absolut Fury BH(x2), IGP1(x2), IGP2(x2), IGP3, L2C, BCAT, CGC, L1I, NW3-I, NW3-C, NW3-E,NW3-V, NW3 Elite,

Medic Fetch

Ashley Jacobson and Shawshack First Do No Harm "Medic" Earning AKC Fetch: Novice (FTN) Intermediate (FTI) Advanced (FTA) Retriever (FTR)

Medic Dock Diving

Ashley Jacobson and Shawshack First Do No Harm "Medic" Earning NADD: Air Retrieve Senior (AS) Air Retrieve Junior (AJ) Hydrodash Senior (HDS) Dock Master Advanced (DMA)

Mazikeen URO3

Heather Sather and Thunderhawk's Child of Lilith "Mazikeen" Earning URO3 Mazikeen earned her UKC Rally Obedience level 3 title with 1st and 2nd placements and a High In Trial.

Firnen UKC Ch

Heather Sather and Thunderhawk's Enchanted Encore "Firnen" Earning UKC CH Firnen earned his Champion title in UKC conformation by going Best of Breed over another Dutch Shepherd in one show and getting Group 3s in 2 other shows in large Herding groups. He also was awarded Reserve Best in Show at one of the shows.

Clark MR Brevet

Daniel Shockley and Obsidian von der Schäfers Weg "Clark" Earning Mondioring Brevet

Caerus U-CD

Christina Gremo and Wildflower DSK Swing "Caerus" Earning: UKC U-CD AKC BCAT May 25th 2024 AKC Scent Work Novice Interior and Exterior 8-18-2024

Yera IGP1

Nicole Cleary and Yera de las Flores Earning IGP1 Yera earned her IGP1 title with a 91 in tracking, 83 in OB and 88 in protection. High in trial, high in tracking and high in OB. Couldn’t be prouder of this girl!


Alishia Johnson and Brace For Impact Van Helios "Rouge" Earning W3PO WPDSW WPDSW is earned when a dog has 3 successful pulls over 25% their body weight on wheels. Rogue pulled 2880lbs in one of his pulls for this title, which earned him most weight pulled in trial, most weight pulled per pound, and judges choice dog.

Myska CSAU

Kelley Lewis and Minnie Mouse Qalt Mercator Earning French Ring CSAU Myska dipped her toes in another venue at the Inland Empire Working Dog Club trial and came away with a CSAU with an Excellent rating. Such a solid, steady girl who loves everyone!

Oddball CSAU

Kelley Lewis and Oddball von der Schafers Weg Earning French Ring CSAU Oddball tested the waters on a busy field and passed the CSAU with an Excellent rating. Just a happy, goofy teenager having fun in life!

Tornade Ring 1

Kelley Lewis and Tornade du Royaume de Geane "Tornade" Earning 1st Leg of French Ring 1 Tornade brought her A game to the field and finished the 1st leg of Ring 1 with 181.85/200 and 4th place out of 8 dogs. She worked her little heart out and I couldn't have been more pleased with my girl.


Kelley Lewis and Copperloch Grip and Grin "Vise" Earning 2nd Leg of French Ring 1 Vise completed his Ring 1 title with 182.40/200, taking 3rd place out of 8 dogs. The trial was hosted by WDSAA member club, Inland Empire Working Dog Club. It was such a joy to see 7 Dutch shepherds take the field at the trial. Stripes just make everything better!

Daria AS

Ashley Jacobson and Daria Morgendorffer "Daria" Earning Air Retrieve Senior (AS)

Marvel SWM

Kellie VanNuil and Von Der King's Superhero "Marvel" Earning AKC Scentwork Master Marvel finished his Scentwork Master (SWM) title!!!!!!! That title is the culmination of 20 AKC scentwork titles and is the highest regular level title for the element searches!!!! Now it’s time to start having fun in detective!!!!!!!!

Rouge PSA2

Alishia Johnson and Brace For Impact Van Helios "Rogue" Earning PSA2 x2 Rogue Earned 4 legs of his PSA2, earning two PSA2 titles. The second title was earned with distinction. He also earned high in trial, high obedience, high protection, high owner trained, and high owner trained club on his 3rd leg.

Daria FI

Ashley Jacobson and Daria Morgendorffer "Daria" Earning Fetch Intermediate

Friday BT

Kellie VanNuil and Optimal Intelligence Van Neerland "Friday" Earning American Schutzhund BT Friday earned her American Schutzhund BT title. She did so with a nice performance and earned a mix of excellent and adequate in the environmental evaluation.

Marvel BT

Kellie VanNuil and Von Der Kings Superhero "Marvel" American Schutzhund BT Marvel earned his American Schutzhund BT. In the environmental evaluation Marvel earned all excellent (highest rating) across the board. The judge said she’s only seen this once or twice before at the trials she’s been to!!!! So earning all excellent is quite rare!

Medic Rally-I

Ashley Jacobson and Shawshack First Do No Harm "Medic" Earning AKC Rally Intermediate We had a super fun weekend Finishing out our Rally Novice and Rally Intermediate titles! Medic is now Shawshack First Do No Harm - CGCA CGCU DSA DM HDJ RI TKA BH/VT IGP1 FPR1 GPR3 PDC CSAU


Kelley Lewis and Copperloch Grip and Grin "Vise" Earning 1st leg of French Ring 1 Vise and I are continuing to learn French Ring Sport together and loving the journey. We traveled to Canada where Vise earned the first leg of Ring 1. Vise makes everything fun and I couldn't ask for a better partner on the field. Copperloch Grip and Grin CGC RN TKA GPr2 FR Brevet

Daria HDM

Ashley Jacobson and Daria Morgendorffer "Daria" Earning Hydro Dash Masters (HDM)

Daria FTN

Ashley Jacobson and Daria Morgendorffer "Daria" Earning Fetch Novice (FTN)


Jessi Nerenhausen and Vrijheid's Ziel "Z" Earning IGP2 We competed and successfully earned our IGP2 at USCA WDC 2024. This was our first national level competition and he handled everything quite well. At this level there are so many unpredictable things that you and your dog have to work through and I am pleased with how we did. Definitely some things to tune up for our IGP3 later this year but it was good to test us and see how we handled it at a 2.

Daria Dock Senior

Ashley Jacobson and Daria Morgendorffer "Daria" Earning Dock Senior

Dio BT

Vikki Henry and Thunderhawks Destroying Rainbows in the Dark "Dio" Earning AS - BT

Pronoun FR1

Rebecca Mosenthal and Montferlands Pronoun "Pronoun" Earning FR1


Kelley Lewis and Oddball von der Schafers Weg "Oddball" & Minnie Mouse Qalt Mercator "Myska" Earning CGC, CGCA, TKN, TKI A busy dutchie is a happy dutchie! Oddball and Myska have been keeping their brains stimulated and their social skills tuned with some AKC activities. Over the month of April, both dogs earned their Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine, Trick Novice and Trick Intermediate titles.

Dio BH

Vikki Henry and Thunderhawks Destroying Rainbows in the Dark "Dio" Earning IGP-BH


Heather Sather and CH USJ Thunderhawk's Dragon Magic NA OAJ NF DS CGC TKI CL1 BH "Saphira" Saphira was a very good girl and passed her BH! Onwards to IGP1! Earning IGP-BH

Scarlett CGC

Amanda Musolino and AM's Scarlett O'Hara "Scarlett" Earning AKC Canine Good Citizen Scarlett is A Dutch/German Cross and is registered through AKC Canine Partners She is working hard towards additional titles like her CGC Advanced, and her BH-VT in IGP


Ann Frank and Loach von der Schafers Weg "Tokkie" Earning Human Remains Detection - Land through the National Association of Search and Rescue The addition of this certification makes Tokkie a dual-certified search dog, capable of locating living and deceased humans in wilderness environments

Friday NW1

Kellie VanNuil and Optimal Intelligence Van Neerland "Friday" Earning NACSW NW1 Friday and I earned our NW1 with an overall pronounced designation! We searched together as a team and had an absolutely wonderful day! Friday earned her NW1 with an overall pronounced which is extremely special and rare! This is awarded to teams who earn pronounced in every search of the day. Friday also got 2nd in our container search!

Friday PDC

Kellie VanNuil and Optimal Intelligence Van Neerland "Friday" Earning PSA PDC Friday and I trialed in PSA and we earned our PDC! Friday was beautiful in obedience and fiesty and ready to go in protection. Friday got celebratory ice cream afterwards!

Marvel WSD

Kellie VanNuil and Von Der King's Superhero "Marvel" Earning UKC Working Shed Dog (WSD) Marvel finished his Working Shed Dog (WSD) title and won 1st place in the working class with a time of 2:52:09!!! In that time he found and retrieved 4 deer antlers to my hand while we searched in a 50yd x 100yd space in the woods.

Fury ELT2

Jenny Thorp and Van Kracht's Absolut Fury "Fury" Earning NACSW ELT2 Team Fury competed at the NACSW Elite trial at Camp Tadmor in Oregon. He placed 1st in the Container search, 2nd in the Red Cross building search, brought home his ELT2 title and placed 2nd overall out of the 30 teams competing. He's now known as : Van Kracht's Absolut Fury BH (x2), IGP1 (x2), IGP2, L2C, BCAT, CGC, L1I, NW3-I, NW3-C, NW3-E, NW3-V, NW3 Elite, TD, TDU, TKN, CD, ELT1, CGCU, RN, L1V, L2E, ELT2

Medic IGP1

Ashely Jacobson & Shawshack First Do No Harm "Medic" Earning IGP1 Southeast Regional Champion Medic and I entered the 2024 Southeast IGP Regionals Championship as an opportunity to hopefully earn our IGP1 title. We had not anticipated earning any trophies or accolades, but this little dude did everything he was suppose to with all of the power he could muster and brought home the IGP1 Championship! Medic is my little pocket rocket and continues to make me a proud Dutch Shepherd owner everyday!

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